Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sarah Palin Goes To After Party For Event She Ditched, Unable To Answer Simple Question

Remember when Sarah Palin was principled and refused to go to the glitzy White House Correspondents' Dinner to instead speak to a pro-life crowd hosted by Jewish Americans for Sarah Palin?

“The pro-life cause or White House Correspondents’ Dinner?" asked Palin.  "I choose life."

Why do I mention this?

Because it appears Palin the Principled is not so principled after all.  While she attempted to make herself appear to be a righteous woman, avoiding the spotlight for something close to her heart (and wallet), it appears Palin couldn't avoid the glamor of the Correspondents' Dinner for long - she attended an after party of the event she thought was so unimportant.


What made this particularly interesting is that while at the MSNBC after party, Palin was nailed with another "gotcha" question, although to be fair of MSNBC, the question were asked to many of the attendees.

"Who do you think is the most influential journalist today?" asked NBC's blog NBCU Direct.

Palin could not answer, much like she could not answer the similar question asked by Katie Couric a few years ago, asking what newspapers the former half-term governor of Alaska read.

"Oh my goodness, that's a great question," she said, before seeing if trusty Todd Palin knew how to answer that one, but even he was dumbfounded.

"Um, gosh, that's a great question, I have to think about it, OK? Because there are many," she finally responded.

Palin was content with that answer until she ran into fellow Fox employee Greta Van Susteren - Palin then yelled back to the NBC cameras that "Greta Van Susteren is the most influential journalist!"

Not to split hairs or anything, but doesn't Van Susteren's program play during Fox News' opinion hours?

According to Fox, there is a clear destinction between the news and the opinion.  Brian Stelter wrote the following for The New York Times:
In an interview, Mr. [senior vice president for news Michael] Clemente suggested that there was an element of "shoot the messenger" in the back and forth. "Sometimes it's actually helpful to have an organization or a person that you can go up against for whatever reason," he said.

Fox argues that its news hours -- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. on weekdays -- are objective. The channel has taken pains recently to highlight its news programs, including the two hours led by Shepard Smith, its chief news anchor. And its daytime newscasts draw more viewers than CNN or MSNBC's prime-time programs.

"The average consumer certainly knows the difference between the A section of the newspaper and the editorial page," Mr. Clemente said.
Van Susteren's show falls under the "editorial page" of Fox News, and as Palin the journalism major may be familair with," journalism is the practice of investigation and reporting of events, issues and trends."

With that being said, it looks like Palin failed at yet another simple question and by attending a party celebrating an event she criticized, highlighted the hypocrisy that is her life.

Oh, and why was Palin attending a party hosted by the "lamestream" media, anyway?

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